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Running 5K Everyday – 3 Reasons Why You Should Start Now!

Last Updated on December 17, 2023 by Amanda Bowden

Are you ready to transform your daily routine and boost your overall well-being? Have you set yourself a new years resolution of running 5K everyday?

Imagine the invigorating feeling of completing a 5K run, not just once, but every single day.

It is a challenge that not only pushes your physical limits but will be amazing for your mental health too.

Read on as we delve into 3 compelling reasons why you should run 5K everyday…

1. Chances Are That Running 5K Everyday Will Make You Live For Longer

This image from unning 5K everyday is a woman running against a hazy background.
Image from Unsplash. Credit: Andrew Tanglao.

Running is a brilliant form of cardiovascular exercise. Even if you run at a slow pace it’s easy to get your heartrate up and get a good workout.

Even so, the benefits extend far beyond merely breaking a sweat.

Running regular 5Ks will contribute to improved heart health, increased lung capacity, better brain health, and more…

And, (as long as running 5K a day is more exercise than you usually do!) it will vastly enhance your overall physical fitness.

Have you heard of telomeres? Telomere length is a good sign of biological age. This study found that runners who hit more than 75 minutes of running a week have significantly longer telomeres than non-runners.

So much so that this is enough to make their cellular biological age 12 years younger than those who don’t run at all! And if you run 5K a day you will be going beyond the amount you need to have this longevity effect.

All these positive health effects add up – this enormous study found that running regularly can reduce your chance of dying by 30%!

2. You Will Get A Mental Health Boost

A happy doggy with a 5K fun run medal.
Image from Unsplash. Credit: Lucas Alexander.

According to this study in Arch Gen Psychiatry nearly half of people in the US struggle with some type of mental health disorder in their lifetime. Anxiety is the most common of these problems, with nearly 29% of people suffering.

Related: How to Beat Anxiety: Running for Anxiety Relief

The good news is that running can provide some relief from mental health problems like depression and anxiety.

The release of endorphins and endocannabinoids during a run acts as a natural mood enhancer, giving you a ‘runners high’. This gives you an amazing sense of wellbeing, and increases your positive outlook on life.

The evidence for exercise being effective for treatment of depression is very strong. In fact the WHO (World Health Organisation) and NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) both recommend it to improve symptoms of depression.

One study even found that running may be just as good at treating depression and anxiety as anti-depressants.

Running 5K everyday can improve other things related to your mental wellbeing too. It can help you think more clearly and be more productive.

And studies have even found getting lots of exercise like running can reduce your chances of getting dementia by around 30%!

3. Running 5K Everyday Will Help You Sleep

This image from running 5K everyday is a woman tucked up in bed, fast asleep.
Image from Unsplash. Credit: Kinga Howard.

Whether you’re young or old, getting out for a 5K run each day will help you get a good nights kip.

While it’s not known why getting out for a run can help you sleep, there’s plenty of evidence to support that it does.

30 minutes of running is about right for getting a better nights sleep, especially if you can do it in the morning. And 30 minutes is around the average time it takes to run a 5K – see What Is A Good 5K Time?

This study on teens got them out running for 30 minutes each morning, and discovered this made them feel like they got better rest at night. They were also more alert during the day – bonus!

This study on older people with insomnia increased the amount of exercise they were doing each week. The exercise included running on a treadmill or stationary bike. They worked up to a week of exercise for 30 to 40 minutes a day, at 75% max HR (heart rate). After this they cut down to this amount of exercise 4 days a week.

All this exercise really helped them to feel better! They reported better sleep, better mood and being less sleepy in the day time.

To sleep better it’s ideal if you can get your 5K in first thing, especially if you find yourself wired after exercise. This isn’t always the case, as in the study above exercise was done between 1 and 7pm. For many people it’s best to finish running at least 2 hours before bed.

Running 5K Everyday: Conclusion

This image shows two legs running, getting in that daily 5K.
Image from Unsplash. Credit: Sporlab.

These are by no means all the benefits you will get from running 5K everyday! Running can have a powerful impact on your health, goals, and life in general.

To get the amazing benefits of running 5K everyday be sure to increase the mileage you run gradually. This will help to prevent an annoying running injury holding you back.

Related: 18 Fantastic Benefits of Running a Mile a Day

When you set yourself a goal to do something everyday it can be easy to beat yourself up emotionally if you miss a day or two. But do try not to worry, if you miss a run reassure yourself that any running you do will be good for you, and you can carry on tomorrow, starting a new running streak!