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How To Start Running for Beginners: 21 Running Tips

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Last Updated on February 2, 2024 by Amanda Bowden

These Useful Running Tips Will Help You On Your Running Journey

Want to be a runner but not sure where to begin? Then these 21 running tips will show you how to start running.

These tips will help you start safely and make you fall in love with the exhilarating experience of running.

21 Running Tips To Get You Started

Legs running in the park is the first image for these running tips.
Get your run on. Image from Pexels. Credit: Daniel Reche

1. Assess Your Starting Point

Begin by understanding your current fitness level. Take a relaxed walk around your neighborhood or a nearby park to gauge your comfort level and build a foundation for your running adventure.

Ease into running by starting with regular walks. Walking is a fantastic way to prepare your body for more intensive workouts and enjoy the scenery.

2. Seek Expert Guidance

Consult with a healthcare professional or a fitness expert to ensure you’re ready for your running journey.

Their advice will pave the way for a safe and enjoyable experience.

3. Find the Perfect Running Shoes

Invest in a good pair of running shoes that match your feet and provide the support you need. Comfort is key to an enjoyable run!

If you’re likely to be hitting the pavements more than the trails these are good options to get started with:

New Balance Women’s Running Shoe

New Balance Men’s Running Shoe

If you live near some nice trails you can take advantage of it’s better to get trail running shoes as they are more sturdy and have better grip.

These trail running shoes are great to get going with:

Salomon Women’s Speedcross 5 Trail Running Shoes

Salomon Men’s Speedcross 5 Trail Running Shoes

4. Get a Running Jacket

Purchase a good running jacket so the weather doesn’t hold you back.

Read this article to help you choose a waterproof running jacket:

5. Set Some Goals

Dream big and turn your aspirations into realistic goals. Whether it’s completing a specific distance or running for a set time, setting targets will keep you motivated. A good target to aim for is running a mile a day, or slowly building up the distance of your runs so you can run a 5K.

You could aim to participate in a parkrun, or sign up to a race (just make sure you give yourself plenty of time for training if you’ve never run before!)

6. Create a Weekly Running Schedule

Plan your runs on a weekly basis. Establishing a routine will help you stay consistent and develop a habit.

Stick your runs into your diary, set up reminders from your phone calendar, or if you’re still one of those people who has an actual calendar on your wall, write your runs on there!

7. Warm-up and Cool Down

Do some warm-up exercises before your run to prevent injuries and make running feel easier.

These could be a program of dynamic movements, like those in the video below from the great Running Channel, or a 5 minute walk to warm up your muscles.

Dynamic Stretches For Runners

After your run cool down with a gentle walk to get rid of any lactic acid that’s build up, then do some gentle stretches to help your body recover.

8. Start Slowly

Increase your running distance or time gradually to avoid overexertion and injuries. Your body needs time to get used to the new motion of running.

Work towards an achievable goal of running a mile a day by following the plan in this article: How To Start Running A Mile A Day: 8 Week Beginner’s Plan.

9. Get a Running Bra or Running Briefs

This one is mainly for females, although men may find they need supportive underwear for a similar reason.

A good running bra will stop the bounce, which is really uncomfortable when running, and can definitely hold you back. Many sports bras say they’re high-impact – but they’re not high-impact enough for running, especially if you have bigger boobs. Investing in a good bra is extremely important.

Have a look at the options below for women and men. Click on the links below the images to find out the price on Amazon.

10. Listen to Your Body

Paying attention to your body’s signals during and after a run is crucial for avoiding injuries and burnout.

If you feel unusually fatigued, experience pain, or sense that something is off, it’s okay to take a rest day.

Remember that your body knows best, and giving it the rest it needs will ultimately improve your running performance.

11. Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration is key to a successful and safe run.

Before heading out, make sure to drink enough water to stay well-hydrated during your run. It may be best to do this an hour before your run though – if you chug down a pint of water directly before heading out you may feel it sloshing around in your tummy for some time, and you may get a stitch.

If you are going to be out for a while, or live in a hot climate, carry a water bottle or plan your route near water fountains to avoid dehydration. Once you get more into running, and start to cover longer distances, you may find it useful to get a running vest with soft flasks or a reservoir, like this Salomon Unisex Active Skin 8 Set.

After your run, replenish lost fluids to aid in recovery and prevent any potential post-run discomfort like headaches.

12. Fuel Your Body

Fueling your body with the right nutrients before and after your run is essential for optimal performance.

Eat a balanced meal or snack that includes carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats to provide sustained energy during your run.

Afterward, refuel with nutrient-rich foods to aid in muscle recovery and repair.

Read The Top 10 Superfoods Every Runner Needs in Their Diet.

13. Join Running Groups or Find a Running Buddy

Sometimes it’s nice to run on your own, but running with others can also be incredibly motivating and enjoyable.

Consider joining a local running group or finding a running buddy with similar abilities and goals.

Running together can provide encouragement, camaraderie, and make the overall experience more social and engaging.

14. Keep a Running Journal

Maintaining a running journal is a valuable tool for tracking your progress and staying motivated. This could be a physical journal or an app.

Write down your running goals, distance covered, time, and any thoughts or feelings about each run.

Looking back on your achievements and improvements will inspire you to keep pushing forward.

15. Be Patient and Persistent

As a beginner, progress may not be immediate, but it’s essential to stay patient and persistent.

It will help you keep your motivation up if you celebrate even the smallest milestones along the way. Hit one of your goals – allow yourself to bask in the good feeling.

Remember, running is a journey that takes time to master. But with a little dedication, you will see amazing improvements in your stamina, speed, and enjoyment. You may even get addicted!

16. Introduce Intervals

Incorporating interval training into your routine can significantly boost your running performance. It can also be great fun.

Alternating between bursts of higher intensity and periods of active recovery challenges your body and helps build endurance.

Don’t jump into this too quickly, or you may get injured. You can begin by adding a few bursts of faster running in at the end of one or two runs a week.

17. Explore Different Running Routes

Running tips include choosing new routes, like this woman who's puzzling over a map by a lake.
Find new routes to explore. Image from Unsplash. Credit: Nick Seagrave

Running in the same location every day can become monotonous.

Spice up your runs by exploring different routes and terrains. If you normally run on pavements, try to find a park or some trails to explore.

Running in new places will keep your workouts exciting and prevent boredom.

18. Overcome Mental Barriers

Running, especially for beginners, can be mentally challenging.

If you are struggling to stay positive, tell yourself how much you have achieved. You don’t have to enjoy every minute of your running journey, but persevering through the tough moments will bring its rewards.

Overcoming mental barriers is just as important as the physical aspect of running.

19. Use Running Apps or Trackers

Take advantage of technology by using running apps or trackers to monitor your progress.

These apps can provide valuable data on your pace, distance, and even heart rate, helping you set and achieve new goals.

Additionally, they often offer social features to connect with other runners and share your accomplishments.

Good running apps to try include Strava (iOS, Android) and Nike Run Club (iOS, Android).

20. Reward Yourself

Recognize your hard work and dedication by celebrating your running achievements.

Treat yourself to something enjoyable, like a favorite meal or a relaxing massage.

Rewarding yourself will reinforce positive behavior and keep you motivated to continue your running journey.

21. Embrace the Joy of Running

A smiling woman running a marathon, for the final image from How To Start Running: 21 Running Tips
Feel the joy! Image from Pexels. Credit: Pixabay

Above all, running can be extremely enjoyable and even liberating. Especially once you’ve got your fitness up and find the flow on a nice downhill section!

Embrace the feeling of freedom you get as you move through nature or your local streets.

Enjoy the sense of accomplishment you get after each run, it’s an awesome feeling!

Make sure to check out these posts from our RUNNING TIPS collection: